Gospel DNA

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Gospel DNA is the term we use to describe those core elements of the gospel of Jesus Christ which give definition to those who have been transformed by its power and been given new hearts by the work of the Spirit of God. Gospel DNA can express itself in limitless ways but always produces certain core characteristics that can only be traced to this particular DNA. Because these core components of life flow out of belief in the gospel, we call people to them as a primary means of making disciples of Jesus.

The apostle John wrote that we love because God first loved us. This same principle applies to each of the following things - we want to do them and we can do them because of what God has done for us.

Live as the family of God 
God is a perfect loving Father who has adopted those who received his Son Jesus as his own children, making us part of his family forever and offering an eternal inheritance. So we rest in him and love and honor him as our Father and we love and treat others who believe as brothers and sisters. This love he gives us for each other is meant to define us as a family.

Live with gospel intentionality
God, as a Father who provides for his children, has given us everything we have to be used in a way that is consistent with the building of his Kingdom. Because he is generous toward us and able to continually meet all of our needs, we are free to be generous with others, intentionally investing our possessions, finances, time, skills, relationships, and opportunities for the glory of our Father.

Pursue people
Jesus, as the Son of God, left his home with the Father and came to our world to pursue us so that we might be adopted into God's family. He now works through us who follow him to continually pursue people, loving and blessing them and inviting them to follow Jesus and become part of his family. We pursue people not to serve ourselves but because we want what is best for them and we appeal to their hearts because no one can be forced into the Kingdom of God.

Serve others sacrificially
Jesus, as the Son of Man, came to serve and sacrifice his life in order to provide life for others. In doing so, he purchased us who believe to be his servants so that we might live for him and no longer for ourselves. Because he rescued us and secured our eternal future, we are free to sacrifice our own interests even to the point of laying down our lives in order to serve others. Jesus impacts the hearts of people by calling, equipping, and empowering us to serve those around us.

Listen to the Spirit speak
The Spirit of God lives in us, never leaving us, but guiding us and speaking to us as the Spirit of Truth and the perfect Counselor. He often speaks through his revealed word, the Bible, as well as through his people. It is crucial that we learn to hear his voice and that we are quick to listen and obey. As we walk with the Spirit he helps us assess our heart affections, recognize, take responsibility for, and repent of sin, and bear fruit that brings glory to God. Listening to the Spirit is the key to applying the gospel to all of life.

Communicate the word of God
The Holy Spirit of God loves to tell the story of Jesus and his work, making the Father famous and rescuing people from his wrath through their faith in the good news that is proclaimed to them. He provides the understanding, faith, courage, and desire to proclaim the truth of the gospel in all its fullness, leveraging its power to transform all areas of unbelief in our lives. This often takes the shape of gospel oriented conversations, counseling, teaching, and public preaching.

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